a video installation project by Mauricio Alejo & Victric Thng.
curated by Wahyuni Hadi.
It is like a wish fulfilled.
For the longest time I have been wanting to do experimental videos but never really get around doing it.
'Small Talk' came at a no better time to allow me this opportunity to realise this desire. What’s more? I get to do an exhibition of these videos!
My deepest thank goes to Yuni who supported me and my work since the very beginning. Someone who believes in me and understand my struggles as a filmmaker and as an artist. On top of that, she is a friend. 'Small Talk' would not be possible if it is not for her.
My gratitude also goes to Mauricio Alejo whose works have inspired me deeply, allowing me to connect with myself in another level. This collaboration is indeed an honour, a privilege and one of its kind and cannot be duplicated.
Premiered in Singapore, The Substation, as part of their Septfest.
Small Talk Opening Night: